Acid or Chlorine Wash



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A discolored pool can be hazardous. Not only does it prevent visibility limits within a pool, but it also makes rescue impossible in the event of a pool accident. For a situation like this, we offer Acid Washes and Chlorine washes to go with the drain and clean to correct more stubborn stains and algae overgrowth.

A Chlorine wash will destroy all bacteria and spores but won't remove all stains. 

  • A Chloride Wash is also known as chlorine rinse. It is a stronger form of a regular drain and clean and is a perfect option for an algae infested pool that is not being restored by your regular, weekly chemicals.  

Acid Wash: Most effective way to remove stains from your pool surface. 

  • An Acid wash for pools is a pool cleaning method that involves the use of a very strong acid known as Muriatic Acid, via the combination of acid and water. Acid is the strongest form of a pool wash that can be provided and is best for the most stubborn of stains. Although this procedure may sound simple, there are complexities, and it does require proper masking in order to shield yourself from the harmful fumes that the acid releases. Additionally, serious injuries can be sustained when handling and mixing these harsh chemicals.